Oct 29, 2021
Tears (All Saints)
There is a common thread running through our readings today, and that common thread is tears. Tears are the very human response to pain...
Dec 4, 2020
We are in the wilderness
We are in the wilderness. The gospel, the good news, begins in the wilderness. And let’s dispense here with any romantic notion of...
Nov 27, 2020
Waiting in hope
The French philosopher Simone Weil once wrote that “waiting in hope is the foundation of the spiritual life.” We’re doing a lot of...
May 8, 2020
There's a Place For You
So, what comes next? That’s a question a lot of people are asking these days. Are businesses going to open up again? Will schools...
Apr 24, 2020
What's Burning in Your Heart?
There is a recognition problem on the road to Emmaus. Jesus comes near to Cleopas and his companion and walks with them on the way, but...
Apr 17, 2020
Breathe In. Breathe Out.
This is a time when many of us are feeling stretched emotionally. I know that I am. It’s hard to escape the news about COVID-19. We...
Apr 11, 2020
The Easter Experience (Easter 2020)
Some folks say that we shouldn’t even be celebrating Easter this year. That we can’t celebrate Easter, not really, not when we can’t...
Mar 28, 2020
All Shall Be Well? (Lent 5)
“All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well.” These words were written by Julian of Norwich, a...