Dec 24, 2021
Where You Put Your Body (Christmas Day, 2021)
Have you ever been there for the birth of a child? Do you remember what it was like? Of course you do! The excitement, the...
Dec 24, 2021
The Better Story (Christmas 2021)
(Luke 2.8-14) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVp5AGte_4Q The gospel we just heard reminds me of a time that I was doing some laundry,...

Dec 14, 2021
Where's the Good News?
“You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath that is to come? That’s how John the Baptist greets the crowds who swarm out...

Dec 3, 2021
In the Wilderness
It matters how we begin. The gospel, the good news, begins in the wilderness. Great writers know that beginnings matter. Beginnings set...