Sep 16, 2023
Forgiveness really, really matters. And forgiveness is really, really hard. There’s a tension here. That’s the territory that Jesus...
Nov 4, 2022
A Vision of Peace
We began our worship today with an Act of Remembrance, in anticipation of Remembrance Day which will take place on Friday. We remember...

Oct 15, 2021
Yet I will not be silent
“Today also my complaint is bitter; his hand is heavy despite my groaning.” When is the last time you said words like these? Was it...

Sep 25, 2021
Greatness or Grace?
There is strong language in today’s gospel. To me it sounds like Jesus is angry. Throwing people into the sea with millstones around...

Dec 4, 2020
We are in the wilderness
We are in the wilderness. The gospel, the good news, begins in the wilderness. And let’s dispense here with any romantic notion of...

Nov 20, 2020
What really matters
Sometimes we like to make things complicated, when really they are quite simple. Sometimes we do that with the gospel reading that we...

Oct 16, 2020
Whose Image?
“Give to the emperor the things that are the emperor’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” It is one of the most famous lines in...
Jun 5, 2020
In the Image of God
Once upon a time, some 3000 years ago, there was a poet who wandered out to look at the night skies. That poet saw the brightness of the...

Oct 23, 2019
Living in the Now and Not Yet
It started with a question. “When is the kingdom of God coming?” When will God make things right? Because we’re not ok. We’ve been...