- Apr 29, 2022
I'm going fishing
“I’m going fishing.” What do you do when you’re at a crossroads? When you need to think? When you’re feeling a bit lost, or a little...
- Apr 23, 2022
Doubt, Singularities and the Big Bang
Evidence-based decision making. We’ve talked a lot about it since the beginning of the pandemic. We want our governments, we want our...
- Apr 22, 2022
How Dare We? (Easter 2022)
Easter is the most audacious day of the Christian year. It is the day that we proclaim that love will overcome hate, that hope is...
- Apr 15, 2022
The Deep Dark Centre (Good Friday)
A few years ago, during Holy Week, the first ever image of a black hole was released. It caused quite a stir, not just in the scientific...
- Apr 1, 2022
A Moment of Grace
Is there a moment in your life when you knew, when you absolutely knew, deep down in your bones, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that you...