Feb 25, 2023
Test or Trust?
Life is a tug of war between testing and trust. When you are in the wilderness, will you test or will you trust? And in whom will you...
Jul 15, 2022
Have you ever noticed that in our culture we tend to see things as either/or rather than both/and? We like dichotomies: this or that,...
May 7, 2022
The Recognition Problem
“My sheep hear my voice.” Can you hear God’s voice in the midst of all the other voices competing for our attention? It’s not always...
Apr 29, 2022
I'm going fishing
“I’m going fishing.” What do you do when you’re at a crossroads? When you need to think? When you’re feeling a bit lost, or a little...
Sep 17, 2021
We’ve reached the turning point in the gospel of Mark, and there is a pattern that is repeated three times. Three times, Jesus announces...
Jan 22, 2021
It's Time
There are moments that matter. Moments where we no longer think of time as 10am on a Sunday morning, but rather we think of critical...
Jan 24, 2020
Leadership in 5 Steps
Have you ever looked for the territories of Zebulun and Naphtali on a map? If you have a smartphone you can try it if you like. Type in...
Oct 2, 2019
Crossing the Chasm
Did you hear the alarm go off? This is a wake-up call. Will you do something about it before it’s too late? In today’s gospel, Jesus...
Sep 7, 2019
Competing Demands
We live in a world of competing demands, and for the most part, we’re pretty good at it. We are, after all, the multi-tasking generation....
Feb 8, 2019
The Long Night of Empty Nets
A long time ago I used to be a summer camp counselor. I used to teach canoeing, and I remember one day I was out in the canoe with three...